Quinnipiac University Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine

Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine Clinical Faculty Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you’re a current clinical faculty member or you’re looking to get involved with Netter for the first time, we've put together a list of the most frequently asked questions related to working at the Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Office of Faculty Affairs do?

The Office of Faculty Affairs oversees, supports or contributes to:

  • Appointments and promotions
  • Professional development, mentoring and coaching
  • Awards and recognition
  • School of Medicine governance
  • Faculty engagement and well-being
  • Faculty databases, analyses and reporting
  • Faculty related policies and procedures
  • Faculty information, communications and resources

How do I seek a faculty appointment?

If you are interested in learning about teaching opportunities and you are not yet part of the QU Netter community, please browse our Mentoring and Teaching Opportunities.

If you have been asked to teach and are beginning the appointment process, please email netterappointments@qu.edu with a current copy of your curriculum vitae. Your CV should include all academic institutions attended with degrees awarded, residency and fellowship training, board certifications and certification expiration dates, all clinical and/or research appointments, academic appointments, teaching experience, scholarship and presentations.  

Contact Sheryl Cinicola with questions related to faculty appointments.

How do I learn more about teaching opportunities at Frank Netter?

Refer to the Mentoring and Teaching Opportunities page on this site to review all the available positions.

View Mentoring and Teaching Opportunities

How do I learn more about the students I’ll potentially be working with?

Our students are talented, committed and caring individuals. To learn more, visit the School of Medicine landing page, as well as the following pages listed below:

How do I learn more about the MD Program at Netter?

Visit the MD Program page for details.

View MD Program

How do I apply for an academic promotion?

Promotion is one way the School of Medicine recognizes and rewards a faculty members for their contributions to teaching, scholarship and service.

QU Netter has one promotion track for clinical and medical sciences faculty that progresses from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and then to Full Professor. Faculty interested in academic promotion should review the criteria Faculty interested in academic promotion should review the criteria for promotion.

Are you unsure if you're ready for promotion? Please request a meeting with Lisa Coplit, senior associate dean for faculty affairs, to discuss the process.

How do I fulfill the faculty development requirement?

To fulfill your requirement:

  1. Log in to Blackboard
  2. Go to ”Netter Faculty Development’ located under My Organizations
  3. Click on the Requirement tab and scroll to the bottom of the page
  4. Click on “Fulfill my Requirement”

For more help, watch this video on using the faculty development Blackboard site and fulfilling your requirement.

How do I keep track of my faculty development hours?

A record of your hours will be kept in the grade center in your Blackboard account.

Do I need to report my faculty development hours or are they recorded automatically?

Hours are automatically recorded in the grade center only for the online modules within the faculty development Blackboard site. For all other activities, such as live sessions, you must sign in for your attendance to be recorded. At the end of each academic year, the faculty development program coordinator will inform you of the number of hours you have completed toward your faculty development requirement.

How do I complete an assessment for the students I am precepting?

Student assessments are completed in one45. These can be completed by logging in to your one45 account or via a link sent through email. If you need assistance with one45, please contact Mara Saccente, Director of Administration at mara.saccente@qu.edu.

Technology Support

How do I reset my Quinnipiac password?

Need to Change Your Password?
To change your password once logged in, visit myaccount.microsoft.com and click Change Password.

Forgot Your Password?
Go to https://is.quinnipiac.edu/password and follow the on-screen prompts to reset your password.

How do I access Blackboard?

Log in to Blackboard with your Quinnipiac username and password

Once you’re logged into Blackboard, you will be able to view a variety of information from your dashboard, including announcements and course information.

If you need assistance with logging in, forget your password, or have other Blackboard-related questions, call 203-582-4357.

How do I log into one45, the curriculum management program?

To access one45, click the link below and log in using your Quinnipiac username and password.

Go to one45

How do I log into the online library?

To access the Edward and Barbara Netter Library site, click the link below and log in using your Quinnipiac username and password.

Go to online library

Contact Us

For general questions or more information:

Mara Saccente
Director of Administration


The Edward and Barbara Netter Library:

Library main contact phone number: 203-582-3300

Online library resources (login required)

Learn more about the library

For questions regarding faculty development:

Katie Lyons
Faculty Development Program Coordinator


Information Technology Services:

Technology Help Request (login required)

Learn more about ITS at Quinnipiac (login required)

Contact the School of Medicine

We’re always here to help provide additional information and answer any questions you may have.

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