Quinnipiac University Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine

Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine Forms and Policies

Access the Financial Aid Self-Service System, learn more about verification, download forms you'll need for financial aid, and financial aid policies.

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Financial Aid Self-Service System

The Financial Aid Self-Service system allows you to manage your financial aid information each step of the process. For instance, you can confirm all necessary documents have been received (within 24 hours of submission), determine if any paperwork is outstanding, and review and accept your award package. You can also send an email to our office through the self-service portal.

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Submit Your Forms Online

Please complete the requested form(s) below and submit them using our online submission form:

Electronic Document Submission Form

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Verification is a selection process used to confirm certain information you provided on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Verification can be designated either by the U.S. Department of Education or by the university. The following are some common reasons you may be selected for verification.

  • Random selection

  • Incomplete FAFSA data

  • Estimated information

  • Inconsistent FAFSA information

If your FAFSA is selected for verification, our office will contact you via e-mail to request the appropriate documentation such as federal income tax transcripts or tax returns with all schedules, W-2 statements and various worksheets to confirm the data submitted on the FAFSA. You cannot receive your financial aid disbursements until the verification process is complete, so it is important to respond quickly.

If you are having difficulty in providing the requested information or have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to contact our office for assistance.

Standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Recipients and Applicants

Medical students who wish to receive assistance through any federal, state or institutionally supported scholarships, grants or loans must comply with the following Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. Satisfactory Academic Progress measures the quality of the academic work, and the rate of progress toward the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree. Students who fail to comply are not eligible for financial aid.

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